One-to-one and small group coaching

Don’t Call it a Dream,
Call it a Plan

Health coaching provides personalized guidance tailored to your specific health goals, needs, and circumstances. Together we will develop a plan that takes into account your current health status, lifestyle, preferences, and challenges. Find the option that’s right for you below:

Women’s weekly coaching circle

Limited to 5 participants

Experience the power of a group coaching environment, the camaraderie that comes from unwaivering support, and the growth that comes from taking on challenge!

With a strengths-based focus and a safe, nonjudgmental space we will explore options for reaching your goals, support you in creating action plans and developing motivation, and supercharge your superpowers!

We celebrate positive progresss (no matter how small), inspire each other to try new things, and become unstoppable, together.

Health Coaching

1:1 personalized coaching: monthly

Where are you now and where do you want to be? We will start our journey together by creating your Wellness Vision, your health ultimate destination. Next, we’ll arrange follow-up coaching sessions to facilitate your journey to create new habits, undo limiting beliefs, learn new patterns and reach your true potential.  

Sessions can be held weekly or bi-weekly. Packages are offered at a savings.

Personal Training

Coaching + Fitness Training

Learn the right exercises for building muscle, increasing bone density, and preventing injuries,in a safe, knowledgeable and supportive environment, while building sustainable healthy habits that will last you for a lifetime.

Your plan is personalized around your current starting point and your desired wellness and fitness goals. Options are:

1:1: Coaching, followed by a 45 minute fitness training workout. Option to add a second workout each week.

Private Small Group: Includes weekly 1:1 coaching along with a weekly group workout: Gather a group of friends for a workout, or join in with an existing group.

Women’s weekly coaching circle

Limited to 5 participants

Experience the power of a group coaching environment, the camaraderie that comes from unwaivering support, and the growth that comes from taking on challenge!

With a strengths-based focus and a safe, nonjudgmental space we will explore options for reaching your goals, support you in creating action plans and developing motivation, and supercharge your superpowers!

We celebrate positive progresss (no matter how small), inspire each other to try new things, and become unstoppable, together.

Health Coaching

1:1 personalized coaching: monthly

Where are you now and where do you want to be? We will start our journey together by creating your Wellness Vision, your health ultimate destination. Next, we’ll arrange follow-up coaching sessions to facilitate your journey to create new habits, undo limiting beliefs, learn new patterns and reach your true potential.  To achieve lasting change you need time, commitment and accountability, so it’s most beneficial to initially plan on 3-6 months.

Sessions can be held weekly or bi-weekly. Packages are offered at a savings.

Personal Training

Coaching + Fitness Training

Learn the right exercises for building muscle, increasing bone density, and preventing injuries,in a safe, knowledgeable and supportive environment, while building sustainable healthy habits that will last you for a lifetime.

Your plan is personalized around your current starting point and your desired wellness and fitness goals. Options are:

1:1: Coaching, followed by a 45 minute fitness training workout. Option to add a second workout each week.

Private Small Group: Includes weekly 1:1 coaching along with a weekly group workout: Gather a group of friends for a workout, or join in with an existing group.

Let’s chat to see if we are a good fit